Things You Have In Common With Renaissance Dental

Renaissance dental have with the dedicated customer service rep and they can kind of walk you through each plan benefits Renaissance dental and then you can make a decision of which one fits you best. Thank you. renaissance dental Alright next question, I'm currently in the DHMO and my dentist shows they are PPO/Premier network does that mean I'll have to pay more or change plans to use the dentist. Well if you're if the DHMO if the dentist. You currently have is not in the DeltaCare USA I'm sorry the USA DHMO and you don't want and you want to switch plans so that they are in the PPO or the Premier network that might be an option for. You but just keep in mind Renaissance dental the State of Texas Dental Choice plan does cost more than the DHMO. You could also nominate your dentist to be in the DHMO in the DeltaCare USA network it's entirely up to you or you can find a new dentist. That is under that takes the D HMO. Alright last ques...