How we Get dental insurance no waiting period At No cost

Thank you okay next question. Dental Insurance No Waiting Period If you are currently in a treatment plan for several procedures over the next year will that be covered under the transition plan or is that only for ortho care?

Would you have the answer to that Alisha? That is a great question. There's going, we're working towards no disruption in care.

So if you're currently in a treatment plan we will honor your current treatment plan and if you have any questions about your specific treatment plan, you are always able to reach out

the call center as of June th and have those direct questions answered about your personal treatment plan at that time thank you.

Next question, how can we access the presentation after today. We will post the recorded presentation. It typically takes us a few weeks, but you'll be able to access that on the website.

Next question, what are the premiums going to cost? The premium didn't go up this year so you shouldn't see a big change in the cost to the premiums for this. All right next question, does the calendar year maximum start over in September?

It's based off of the calendar year, so when we say calendar year maximum we look at January through December. Next question,

I would like to have a fee schedule can I get one? Alisha should you guys have the fee schedule up on the website yet? Or is that something that would be later on after September st?

dental insurance no waiting periodIt will be, so it is not right now we're still finalizing the details of the fee schedule, but it will be up shortly. I encourage you to check the online at  periodically and it will be posted soon. Thank you. Alright next question,


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