Humana Dental: Do You Really Need It? This Will Help You Decide!
Where they need to be ok so Humana Dental this is something that's super new to me because in most practices and in all the ones that I was trained in it was to submit the claims as they came through throughout the day.
So you know hygiene checks out I batch the claim and I send it off batch the claim send it off but you're saying it's more effective and efficient to wait until the next morning batch all of them and send them off is that correct and and kind of helped me see.

Because I think it's great but what are like the massive benefits of doing it that way sure one of the benefits is if there have been any changes you know have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and gone oh my gosh.
I forgot to do this nope Humana Dental never never once all the time all the time never but those moments so if their assistants have gone home for the day and they realize oh my gosh I forgot to post the distil on tooth number five for mr. Smith.

This morning they're gonna kill me they've already said the claim no we're not because the claim hasn't gone out there's no correction and all needed don't worry about it so there there's time for that there's time for the review also it's important to make sure.
That the documentation is in place regarding the services prior to submitting the claims so it allows time for that to Humana Dental happen there's not in every office the notes aren't always complete before checkout.
So if the systems have Google Doc or doctor has to go back and make chart notes it allows time for that to happen as well so that I know I have the documentation I need to get the you know to attach to the claims for any of the major services.the other benefit is that I like to review everything myself
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