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renaissance dental renewals and then the one that really makes us stick out which is the perks program with our connected toothbrushes renaissance dental toothpaste floss and replacement head subscription service.

there's something there for the employee and the dependent which is the physical goods there's something there for the broker and the HR manager which is the technology to help

ease administration issues and and capacity and then a overall product experience that just makes life easier and better for everybody involved at that stakeholder level so

when you add all that up we hope that in aggregate that benefit sticks out like a sore thumb from the competing carriers in our and so far that's true we for example we know

kind of came to this opportunity because we've been spending some time as a business in Salt Lake and and Utah in general introducing beam to the community and it is

growing rapidly specifically because those differentiators are very clear and they compute well in Salt Lake market and that's I think responsive to there being a lot of employers

locally and I think Jeff's experienced this as well who are very progressive understand the value of employee benefits programs and really want to offer something different and

better to their employees and that's really exciting to us that's great well I wish we could take all of your time today this is fascinating it's great conversation and I'm just gonna end with

a couple questions you know the first question is you know when you guys think about disruption and we're trying to help people just think about when they're trying to change the way things are done they're trying to push again status quo and

sometimes status quo pushes back what wisdom have you guys learned in your experiences with disruption that you would share nuggets of wisdom with our audience about how

to keep with disruption how to disruption how do you how do you make that successful when you're trying to disrupt the way things are that's a really good question it seems to me like what I think of disruption you think about there's simply a pain point somewhere right or it's the other way it's the other direction so you either as a pain point you're trying to solve so there's a problem and you're trying to fix it or there's just a better way to do something right so it's more of a you know a pleasure pain thing right there's this would be something would be better for us so to give us a lot more benefit we went this


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