
Showing posts from June, 2019

About Tooth Pain Keeps You From Growing

second any other discussion all those in Tooth Pain favor say ayeI suppose like silent illusion carries Thank You Annie item  public hearing considered over got some first reading for specific use permit allowed open air vehicle sports business and a general retail district located at   West business. Bearing on legal Tooth Pain descriptions a lot one block one over there a subdivision African Charles or various urban State Commission C manager this request is for a su P is being submitted by are no photos Regas this property is located on the west business. Approximately  feet east of Dilworth Road this is a subject property here its general retail the SU P is for an open-air business it is allowed in general retail but an S who P is required this is a subject property herein the east of the property as a general dollar store here to the west is a convenience store. Steve I believe the name Steve's groceries name of the store believe staff is recommen...

Humana Dental: Do You Really Need It? This Will Help You Decide!

Where they need to be ok so Humana Dental this is something that's super new to me because in most practices and in all the ones that I was trained in it was to submit the claims as they came through throughout the day. So you know hygiene checks out I batch the claim and I send it off batch the claim send it off but you're saying it's more effective and efficient to wait until the next morning batch all of them and send them off is that correct and and kind of helped me see. Because I think it's great but what are like the massive benefits of doing it that way sure one of the benefits is if there have been any changes you know have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and gone oh my gosh. I forgot to do this nope Humana Dental never never once all the time all the time never but those moments so if their assistants have gone home for the day and they realize oh my gosh I forgot to post the distil on tooth number five for mr. Smith. This ...

The Incredible Story Of Humana Dental

Humana Dental happens with dental claims that's exactly what happens so you helped write our dental -billion curriculum and then you've also gone and you are I love that anything that I've thrown at you I said hey Sara we need to have videos. And I remember you said I've never done this before but I'm just just gonna do it so Sara's helping to make all the different billing videos for the dental a-team video bank as well that that are from all the different software. So sara is a huge Integral Humana Dental part into my life into the dental a-team she is she's a pretty strong lifeblood I I say she's the extension of dental a team when it comes to all things billing and also if you just want to know a really awesome person. So there is that's Sarah O'Brien for you guys i I remember Humana Dental do you remember Sarah the day we actually met in person like we had been chatting for months back and forth and all of a sudden I ...