10 facts about ameritas dental in usa

would be ameritas dental determined in legislation that's something that would be determined in rule making afterwards and that would you know be sort of after the fact step so the fact that that's was.

we're getting from members of Congress is a little bit frustrating but it is also something that as an oral health community we should be thinking about I know a lot of folks out there are trying to think about how dentistry could be reimbursed differently in order to better promote outcomes

and to move away from a fee-for-service model but it's certainly well behind the medical field and getting there so I think as progress is being made in that arena it's important to keep

members of Congress abreast of those activities but also remind them that we can't really change the system if there's no payment mechanism in place at all I think in terms of the HEA

the American Dental Association you know they are divided on a lot of things and the two issues of Medicare coverage for oral health and changes in payment models are certainly going to be two that are very divisive in terms of Medicare you know many of the ABS members are

supportive of adding a Medicare dental benefit but they have people within the council and the internal structures have not come to agreement and support but they certainly aren't coming out

in opposition or anything like that so I think you know we're all continuing to work with them we know that many of them are bought into this process and that we just need to craft a policy that would support


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