Truth to Reduce Tooth Pain In Simple Way

Have to keep Tooth Pain ours under or we're penalized financially by the D dpi if if we don't do that so it is one of the cleaner directories you'll find we've time and time again looked up providers that we found.

their obituaries but they're still in some of our competitors directories so that can be an issue when we look at the we look at the panel comparison report so what we've done we've moved to and.

This is a relatively new report that we have available this shows Franklin County so what we've done you can I won't read this fine print here but basically we've taken our book of business and looked at every claim paid in Franklin County we've run it against our network and then use that

Same netminder data to run it's essentially a disruption is what we're running with those claims we've found we've checked the claims looked at the providers and see confirmed whether or not they've been in our competitors networks versus ours so here are the results again this is just

Franklin County . or some of the claims we see are falling in network which is a truly incredible number where we're looking less than % out of network in Franklin County our average for Ohio is about percent so we're looking pretty strong here in Franklin County I have this data for
Contiguous counties but again this is all information that's out there on that monitor that we pulled and gives you a good idea of how we stack up from a utilization standpoint against our

Competitors here moving on to discounts this is another important piece especially if you have a self-funded dental plan but also for fully insured these discounts are going to help the members with you know that's going to extend their annual max they're going t


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