• Apply These 10 Secret Techniques To Improve Humana Dental

  • stop whenever humana dental you need to there's pop quizzes throughout there's a final test at the end you have to get I think a seventy or no thank you fifty an eight-year boob to pass it old in

  • a little certificate that you've passed or whatever but there's a lot of courses they have courses until insurance dental

  • collections HIPPA communication all kinds of different things this is a quick little flyer I don't know if you can take a picture of it or you can email me if you want to

  • copy of it you can email seminar I plus com this is the course that we're doing fighting November the th in

  • San Antonio on the Riverwalk if you're not in the San
  • Antonio area that's kind of okay we got a kind of wheeled and dealed and got a promotion code for

  • anybody that needs an overnight stay I think you can stay at the event hotel for likedollars which is a good deal for a Riverrock room and it's hardly in but it's sort of I think it's a four-star Holiday Inn though it's really

  • nice and then there are dental conventions out there you want to take advantage of it this is the star the south which is going to be the Houston meeting and

  • that I think is typically around March American Dental Association's annual meeting the venue is going to change is going to be a different city and state all the

  • time course the big TD a meeting that's in San Antonio typically the first week in May the ad a excuse me a Dom which is American Association gel office

  • managers their venue is going to change it can be a different place every year Lonestar dental conference is going to be Austin Southwest dental conference coming up pretty soon in October that's the Dallas

  • meeting and you should take advantage of those there's all kinds of courses and speakers and things that you would maybe normally have access to that you should take advantage of now these are I think

  • we've talked about some of these but I absolutely recommend the insurance solutions newsletter $ a year it is just awesome like I mean you just you


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