You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truth Of Humana Dental.

how to renegotiate Humana dental handshake at that point, because they're not gonna sign anything, we can get something out of it.

And I had to figure that out to try to save the company. That was hard.

I know all the bike paths in Taipei now. - So closing earlier, since we're here in Berkeley, we have a lot of students who want to do

like social impact startups and ventures. Is there any other advice that you would give to them about starting a social impact venture? - Yeah, you probably have the idea how do you get the money. And

I would say what I do is they think of this crazy fun idea of something I want to do, and I start telling everybody I'm gonna do it. And you have to be willing to have them think you're stark raving mad, you just have to be willing. Like everything I've ever

done of any note, when I first voiced it, people thought I was stark raving. So if they think that, great, you're on the right track. They're even a little bit jealous. And take the feedback. What you have to

hear is like oh, that'll never work. They can say that but would be really helpful is if you can ask them why it won't work. And then they might have some good points and write them down. Like I

remember in the $ laptop days, I was over with a very very very large maker of consumer electronics, like very very very, I know you're not supposed to say it but huge, and the Chairman wanted to

see me so I flew over and saw the Chairman and walked into this room. He was flanked by four EVPs on one side,


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